Big Arch ( Gucci Mane) menaces Alien and tells him to go back to ripping off spring breakers he owns the drug trade in town, and he doesn't feel like sharing. He gives them wads of cash to toss at the strippers and points out Big Arch, his former mentor and current competitor. Later, Alien takes the trio to a strip club. When he finishes, the three begin kissing, and Alien tells him theyre his soul mates. She and Candy force Alien to fellate the barrels of the guns, which he does with gusto. He tells them to stop, but Brit tells him to get on his knees. The pair take two of Alien's guns, both loaded, and playfully point them at him. Brit and Candy, even more wild than Cotty, giggle as Alien shows them his bedroom, which is packed with guns, Scarface memorabilia, and stacks of money. Faith heads back to college (thus is never seen again in the film), and the remaining three girls move in to Alien's house. Faith breaks down crying and decides to go home, even after Alien tries to convince her to stay. That evening, when Alien takes the girls to a party where older men, most of them African American, leer at them. Her misgivings about Alien grow when she learns he sells drugs for a living. While Brit, Candy, and Cotty jump at the chance to ride around in Alien's sleek car, Faith is suspicious of him. Alien greets Faith, Brit, Candy, and Cotty as they exit the jail. Something about the foursome appeals to him, because he bails them out of jail too. Luckily for them, two of Alien's grunts were arrested at the same party, and he has come to post their bail. Brit protests that they dont have any money, and for a moment it looks like they might go back to their cell. The judge gives them a choice: pay a fine or spend two more days in jail. They spend the night in a county jail and appear in court the next day still dressed in their bikinis. They snort cocaine, damage the motel, and are eventually arrested by local police. Later, the foursome goes to an out of control party at a motel. Alien claims to come from another planet and also revels in the spring break culture. The four girls attend a beachside concert and see Alien ( James Franco), a drug-dealing rapper, for the first time. When Faith sees how much her friends enjoyed stealing and scaring people, she is taken aback. Brit and Candy terrorized the people in the restaurant by threatening to kill them if they didnt give them their money.

The days melt into a blur of alcohol, swimming at the beach, and grinding against fellow "spring breakers." The only uncomfortable moment arises when Brit, Candy, and Cotty describe the robbery to Faith. Faith feels as though Florida is the most spiritual place she has ever been she feels as though she has found herself. When the foursome arrives in Florida, they quickly immerse themselves in spring break culture: drinking, drugs, and never-ending parties.
Faith, who demonstrates a bit more of a conscience than her friends, overlooks her horror at their crime in favor of a free vacation. They steal hundreds of dollars, and after burning the car, the trio brings their loot to Faith. Cotty drives, and Brit and Candy bust into the joint with a hammer and a fake gun. Brit, Candy, and Cotty decide to rob a local fast food restaurant to get the money they need to take the vacation. The rest of their classmates have migrated south to Florida for spring break, and the girls are desperate to join them.